Sunday, January 15, 2012

Romney Opens Up BIG LEAD In South Carolina

Reuters/Ipsos is out with a new poll that shows Mitt Romney opening up a 20+ point lead in South Carolina heading into Saturday's Palmetto State GOP presidential primary.
If the poll is correct it means that Romney may be exceptionally well-positioned to capture the Republican presidential nomination.
The poll says that voters appear to have shrugged off attacks about Romney's venture capital past and his work with Bain Capital in the 1990s.
Romney is taking a break from the campaign today to prepare for tomorrow night's debate but he continues to fight a two-front war in both South Carolina and Florida and he commands a huge and efficient organization that is well-prepared for these battles.
The poll shows 37 percent of South Carolina Republican voters back Romney. Congressman Ron Paul and former Senator Rick Santorum tied for second place with 16 percent support.
Newt Gingrich,has fallen far back after holding a strong lead in South Carolina in December. He is now in fourth place at 12 percent in poll.
South Carolina voters clearly seem to be rejecting Gingich's attacks on Romney and when asked to choose one or the other in a head-to-head matchup they pick Romney by a whopping 62 percent to 30 percent.

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