Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Solyndra: How Obama Played Politics With Jobs

The White House gambled with 500 million taxpayer dollars and 1,100 workers lost their jobs, allowing the government to pick winners and losers in pursuit their global warming agenda. As a result, 1,000 workers lost their jobs, and the money is gone. That’s the message from Americans for Prosperity’s new ad about the White House’s payoff to political allies at the now-bankrupt Solyndra.

“This ad is important because it puts a spotlight on how cronyism and blind ideology came together in the halls of the White House,” explains Tim Phillips, President of Americans for Prosperity.

AFP is spending upwards of $6 million in the first major ad buy of 2012 focused on the Obama Administration’s failed policies. In an effort to educate the American public about the staggering cost and disturbing backdoor dealings of the Solyndra gamble, the ad launches today in six states. This ad comes after AFP’s previous ad about the Solyndra scandal.

“The White House wants to bury this story and for good reason: it goes to the heart of the debate over the role of government and the marketplace,” says Phillips. “Should Washington bureaucrats put the country deeper into debt to support their ideology, in this case global warming, by giving taxpayer dollars to politically-favored corporations?”

The extent of the White House’s cronyism continues to be revealed. The latest reports show that the Administration knew that Solyndra was going down, but suppressed reports till after the 2010 elections.

“From start to finish, Solyndra was a political game.” Philips continues, “Obama’s donors won, but the American people – and over 1,000 now-unemployed workers – are stuck paying the cost.”

Click here for more information.

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