Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Romney Won Broadly, Captured Catholic Vote

Some interesting excerpts from an NBC News report on last night's New Hampshire primary election:

"Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary Tuesday night with a broad-based coalition of both conservative and moderate voters overwhelmingly motivated by their worries about America’s economic future and wanting above all to beat President Barack Obama in November."

"Romney performed best among the highly educated (winning 42 percent of college graduates), among upper income voters, and among older voters." . . . "Santorum, a Catholic, won only about 8 percent of self-identified Catholic voters, a serious underperformance on his part since Catholics accounted for more a third of the electorate Tuesday. Gingrich, also a Catholic, won 10 percent of Catholic voters, according to exit poll interviews. Romney, a Mormon, dominated among Catholics winning 45 percent of them."

Click here for more.

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