Sunday, January 8, 2012

StephanLiberalist Makes An Ass Of Himself

As far as I can tell, Georgie Boy Stephanopoulos looked and acted like a complete stooge last night while attempting to moderate the ABC Republican presidential debate.
Whatever the hell made this guy think he could be a broadcast journalist or a host or an anchorperson?
He seems like a liberal weasel -- a plant.
And post-debate, this has been pointed out by many observers including The Daily Caller, as follows:
When questioning former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Stephanopoulos, a former senior adviser in the administration of Democratic President Bill Clinton, premised some inquiries on the assertion — offered without supporting facts — that Romney’s job-creation statistics were inaccurate.
“Now, there have been questions about that calculation of 100,000 jobs. So if you could explain it a little more,” Stephanopoulos asked Romney of the former governor’s claims about jobs created by companies he has helmed. “I’ve read some analysts who look at it and say that you’re counting the jobs that were created but not counting the jobs that were taken away. Is that accurate?”
“No, it’s not accurate,” Romney bluntly responded. “It includes the net of both. I’m a good enough numbers guy to make sure I got both sides of that.”
But my favorite part of the evening was when Stepphy tried to trap Romney with a hypothetical about states banning contraceptives. Romney was having none of it and called him on the lack of logic in his questions. But Georgie kept pushing which elicited nothing but boos from the audience.

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