Sunday, January 15, 2012

What Huntsman's Endorsement Of Romney Will Mean

Yes, it does appear to be true.
John Huntsman will drop out of the GOP presidential race and endorse Mitt Romney tomorrow.
This is a huge breakthrough and one must figure that whatever actual Republican voters Huntsman had behind him will now drift to Romney in as much as the other GOP candidates are all too far to the right to have any real attraction for a John Huntsman voter.
One would also be correct to think that Huntsman (who served as Ambassador to China in a Democrat administration and who is generally viewed as a moderate) would be influential in attracting Democrat and moderate voters to Romney and preventing the Dems from painting a picture of the GOP as a hard-right party.
This is a major endorsement for Romney -- one that demonstrates that he can bring people together. It's an endorsement that will provide the first major step toward a Big Tent GOP and unity within the party. That unity will be needed if the Republicans are to defeat President Barack Obama in the fall.
I believe it's also a safe bet that at some point Ron Paul will endorse Romney as well -- and so will Mike Huckabee. Paul is unlikely to opt for a third party run because he does not want to hurt his son, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky who is a rising star in the GOP.
More big Romney endorsements will also come this week in South Carolina.
Romney was out of sight today -- maybe even preparing for this big endorsement; maybe even meeting with Huntsman.
More and more it looks like Romney will be the nominee and the party will be united fairly early behind him.
Let's hope that Santorum, Gingrich and Perry are taking note of these developments as we will certainly need all hands on deck for the tough battle ahead.
All together now: "ROMNEY!"

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