Friday, February 3, 2012

About All That Finger Waving . . .

Hat Tip: Mark Levin

So, let's get this straight: Apparently it's NOT okay for Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to wave her finger at President Obama.
That's a "no-no!"
BUT, it is okay for Obama to wave his finger at anyone he wants, including Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or Canadian Prime Minister  Stephen Harper. And Obama also slapped the table and scolded Speaker of the House John Boehner and accorded Congressman Paul Ryan the same sort of treatment at a budget round table.
And these are just a few examples of President Obama's ill temper, bad manners and disrespect for others.
But the dominant media won't remind you of these less-than-stellar presidential moments. Oh, no . . . they only want to dwell on their own take on the Brewer incident.
How quickly they forget!

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