Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gallup Poll: Grim For Obama; Good For Romney

The latest Gallup?USA Today poll holds grim news for the White House. While 44 percent of Americans says President Obama’s time in office has been a success, 50 percent say it’s been a failure. Not good for the president.
In fact, that’s lower than every presidential nominee in the last five contests save for Bob Dole. And Dole lost.
And the Gallup poll also shows Romney now running ahead of Obama by 50% to 44%. It's quite impressive that Romney has already reached the 50% mark while the incumbent president can't seem to reach that critical approval level.


  1. And Rasmussen had Romney at 39% and down 10 to Obama in a poll released today.

  2. It's worth noting that Gallup also has a history of being an outlier in presidential polling. So hitching a cart to that horse comes with some risks.
