Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Go 'On The Road' With Mitt; Enter Now

You can go on the road with Mitt Romney just by lending the Romney campaign your support. Here's a special message from Ann Romney with all the details:
Mitt and I have traveled thousands of miles on the road these last few months -- and we've got a whole lot more to go. At every campaign stop, we are greeted by overwhelming crowds of wonderful supporters like you as we journey across this beautiful country.
We draw great motivation and energy from your support. Our day-to-day interactions with you at rallies, town halls, and other campaign events serve as a constant reminder of why Mitt is in this fight.
We wish we could spend more time with each and every one of you. And that's why we're inviting a supporter like you to spend a day on the road with Mitt.
One lucky supporter will get to join Mitt for a day as he makes stops on the campaign trail. And by donating $5, you will automatically be entered for the chance to be Mitt's special guest on the road - campaign trail is always full of surprises -- and this day with Mitt will be no different. Some details are still being sorted out, but it is shaping up to be a really exciting day.
We recognize that many of you have already donated -- and we can't thank you enough. It's because of you that we are able to share Mitt's vision and fight for the America you and I love.
So make a donation of $5 today to be automatically entered for the chance to meet Mitt and spend the day with him on the road: for all your support.
Ann Romney

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