Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Governors, Others Announce Endorsements Of Romney

Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam made the following statement on Tennessee’s upcoming primary:
“With two strong victories in Arizona and Michigan, Mitt Romney continues to prove that he has what it takes to defeat President Obama in November. Gov. Romney has a solid track record of turning around troubled situations like the one we face in Washington.  He did it in the private sector, as leader of the Salt Lake City Olympics, and as governor of Massachusetts.  He has the kind of common-sense approach this country needs to turn the economy around and put people back to work.  I encourage Tennesseans to join me in casting their vote for Gov. Mitt Romney in Tuesday’s election.”
Former Oklahoma Senator Don Nickles made the following statement on Oklahoma’s upcoming primary:
“Conservatives propelled Mitt Romney to victory in Arizona and Michigan and they are supporting him in Oklahoma because he is the only candidate with private sector experience and a bold plan to get our economy back on track. Throughout the campaign, Mitt Romney has displayed the same steady and reliable leadership he has shown throughout his life in business, the Olympics, and as governor – Oklahomans have been waiting for this steady leadership in the White House. I urge all Oklahomans who want to stop mortgaging our future to China, get Washington out of our lives, and ensure that our future is brighter than our past to vote for Mitt Romney on Tuesday – our country can’t afford four more years of President Obama.”

Massachusetts Republican Leader Brad Jones made the following statement on Massachusetts’ upcoming primary:
“Mitt Romney’s two strong victories last night prove that he is the best candidate to unite our party and defeat President Obama in November. Massachusetts voters are looking for someone to go to Washington to clean up the mess created by Washington politicians. Mitt Romney is a Washington outsider who spent his career in the private sector – the other candidates in the race are creatures of Washington and can’t be expected to clean up the mess they created. He has the experience and leadership record that will be needed to turn around our economy, shrink government, and put an end to our massive debt and deficits. This Tuesday, I urge all Massachusetts Republicans who want to defeat President Obama and bring real change to Washington to vote for Mitt Romney.”

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell made the following statement on Virginia’s upcoming primary:
“Mitt Romney’s two victories last night prove that his message of more jobs, less debt, and small government is resonating with the American people. Virginians are looking for a results-oriented conservative like Mitt Romney to reverse the failed policies that have hindered our nation’s economic recovery. Mitt has a strong track record of conservative leadership both in business and as Governor of Massachusetts. We need a president who has actually spent time in the private sector and knows what it takes to create jobs. That’s why I’m proud to stand with him and urge my fellow Virginians to do the same."

Mitt Romney today announced the support of former Montana Governor Marc Racicot.
“I’m honored to have the endorsement of a man who has spent so much time in the service of this country,” said Mitt Romney. “First as an officer in the Army JAG Corps, then as a state prosecutor, and finally as the Governor of Montana, Governor Racicot knows what sort of leadership we need to restore American greatness and bring this country back to where it belongs.”
Mitt Romney today announced the support of Ohio Auditor Dave Yost. Yost will serve as a Co-Chair of the Romney for President Ohio Leadership Team.
“I’m pleased to earn Dave’s support,” said Mitt Romney. “Dave understands the need for our country to restore our economy and create jobs for the American people. In the months to come, I look forward to working with Dave to spread my message of more jobs, less spending, smaller government.”

Mitt Romney today announced his leadership team in Ohio. The team will be Chaired by U.S. Senator Rob Portman and Co-Chaired by former U.S. Senator George Voinovich, Congressmen Mike Turner, Steve LaTourette and Jim Renacci, State Senate President Tom Niehaus, former Ohio Attorney General Betty Montgomery, and former State Treasurer and Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters.

1 comment:

  1. We get that the establishment loves Romney. But look at how Romney has been doing with actual voters.

    He should be winning a lot more decisively, given how weak his competition is, how much money he has and the fact that he has essentially been running for President for 7 years now. Eeking out a win by 3 points in your birth state where you outspent a badly flawed challenger by 2-to-1 does not constitute an impressive victory. And while he's eeking out these wins, his favorability among independent voters is dropping. That's not the way you beat an incumbent President who, while badly flawed himself, is still well liked personally.

    Romney needs to drop the faux "folksy everyday Joe you would want to have a beer with" act, and fast. Unlike Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, he can't pull off that act convincingly, and all of his attempts to do so come off as forced and insincere.

    Romney's pitch should be something like this: "This isn't the time for another President who can 'feel your pain' or who you would want to have a beer with. We've seen where that's gotten us. What I offer is the leadership competence and private sector experience to restore America's greatness. If you want a leader who knows what creates jobs and makes the economy thrive, come join my fight to restore America's greatness."

    The more folksy and populist Romney tries to appear, the lamer and less sincere he sounds to voters. And the more negative ads he runs, the more he drags down his own ratings. Romney needs to emphasize competence and reality, not dreams and hopes.
