Sunday, February 5, 2012

How You Can Help Fight The Assault On Values

The following message comes to you via The Eagle Forum:

Last week, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the nation's largest breast cancer research and prevention fund wisely decided to do what the Senate has refused to do, de-fund Planned Parenthood.

In an outrageous move, 26 liberal Senators signed a letter chastising Komen, a private foundation, calling their action "troubling," declaring that the Foundation's decision cut "life-saving services" to women, and urging them to reconsider their decision.

The Komen Foundation provided grants to Planned Parenthood that are to be used for breast examinations, not abortions. However, breast examinations can easily be performed by any of the countless other medical facilities that do not profit from performing abortions.

Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates threw a tantrum and demanded that people stop contributing to the Komen Foundation and call and e-mail the Foundation to protest their decision. Pro-abortion donors have flooded Planned Parenthood with donations well beyond the amount the Komen Foundation provided. Some reports indicate that Planned Parenthood received over $1 million in 24 hours, far surpassing the $680,000 they received in Komen Foundation Grants.

The Komen Foundation caved to this pressure, and issued a confusing statement yesterday indicating they would continue funding all current grants, including those to Planned Parenthood, and that Planned Parenthood would be eligible for future grants.

Take Action

If you live in one of the states listed below, we urge you to contact your Senator and tell them that you do not appreciate them using their respected office to tell a private foundation how it should be appropriating money. Tell your Senators if they really care about women's health, they should vote to de-fund, not advocate on behalf of, an organization that profits from exploiting women. Please forward this alert to others in your state who are concerned about protecting life, and urge them to contact your Senator(s)












New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York





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