Thursday, February 23, 2012

Is There A Romney/Paul Alliance? Santorum Gripes.

Is there a Romney/Paul alliance?
Ron Paul has already discussed this on the Scott Hennen radio show (above) and in news stories.
We've discussed it here as well.
The two men like and respect one another. And their families are friendly as well. They talk frequently and they share the same values. They're both strong family men and neither one is by nature accusatory or confrontational.
Well, anyway -- all this seems to irk Rick Santorum.
Santorum and his camp are now complaining that they're being ganged up on. They're suggesting that there's some collusion between Paul and Romney.
The whole notion is absurd, as the Romney camp has correctly pointed out.
Let's face it: Rick Santorum had a very, very bad night last night. He bombed. And now he's trying to find a scapegoat.
As Romney told Santorum during the debate last night: "Look in the mirror."
Santorum's the one who voted again and again to raise the debt lmit.
Santorum's the one who supposted countless earmarks.
Santorum's the one who cozied up to "Benedict Arnold" Specter.
Santorum's the one who argued that mainline Protestantism was falling prey to Satan.
Those were Santorum's words and actions. And he has no one to blame but himself for the fallout.

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