Monday, February 13, 2012

Is This A Profile In Courage? Really?!?

The following comes from our friends at Save Jersey and we're pleased to cross-post it -- if only to give you something to think about. BTW: Today, on the eve of Valentine;s Day, the Jersey State Senate passed the gay marriage bill, as expected.
What is silly is that we actually have to debate something as elementary as equal protection under the law for all residents. The passage of this bill is the right thing and the just thing.”
NJ Senate President Steve Sweeney, on the floor of the State Senate earlier today speaking in favor of S1 (the gay marriage bill) prior to its 24-16 passage.
Sweeney’s zeal for gay rights is a recent development, Save Jerseyans. Very recent. He infamously abstained from voting on an identical bill just two years ago, after which he admitted that his no-vote was “purely based on political calculation.”
A remarkable admission! And a little “silly” to borrow the Senator’s own words, wouldn’t you agree?
Interestingly, he’s since opened a federal exploratory committee. That means the South Jersey Democrat from a socially-conservative district would need to win a much more liberal statewide or districtwide Democratic primary.
So clearly today’s YEA vote isn’t a political calculation…?

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