Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lautenberg Jumps Into Rutgers/Rowan Controversy

As many of you know, we're not big fans of crusty old US Senator Frank Lautenberg.
He too liberal, He too cantankerous. And he's been wielding power in the Garden State for way too long.
But we'd be remiss if we did not report a significant development: Frank Lautenberg wants answers -- and he wants them now -- about the details of the plan endorsed by Governor Chris Christie and others to have Rowan University essentially take over Rutgers Camden.
Now, we've already said that we believe this plan needs a truly thorough airing.
What's happening now is that Lautenberg is signaling serious skepticism, to say the least.
In a letter to Governor Christie he says he wants to know more about the details of the controversial merger including how it will impact Rutgers Camden employees, student tuition, federal funding, services and other matters.
"Many concerned New Jerseyans have raised questions about the specifics of the plan and your endorsement of it," Lautenberg wrote. The Senator says he wants "evidence, data or analysis" that would support arguments made by the plan's proponents.
We know that Governor Christie believes in this plan. He's made that clear and experience has shown we'd be foolish not to take him at his word.
But it appears as if this may not be a fight for the short-winded.
So, the days ahead may give us evidence of how much Chris Christie believes in this merger and/or just how much time, energy and political capital he's willing spend to make it a done deal.
It ain't gonna be easy.

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