Sunday, February 12, 2012

Obama Religion Ruling Threatens ALL Faiths

Obama's attempt to trample on religious freedom continues to get bad reviews from enlightened and perceptive quarters. here's an excerpt from a fine column by Mary Kate Cary in US News & World Report:
The ruling to force universal "access to preventive care" was a deliberate decision by the White House, months in the making, and this so-called "accommodation" reinforces the administration's commitment to its prochoice agenda. It does nothing to accommodate people of good faith who disagree with the president; instead he accuses those who object to his policy of trying to create a "political football." The reason this struck such a chord with so many is not because it was about birth control pills or even access to care. This galvanized people across the board because it threatened religious freedom for all denominations.
Click here to read the entire column.

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