Monday, February 6, 2012

Romney's Incredible Roll: Gaining Huge Momentum!

Following is a special message from the Mitt Romney campaign:
Another swing state -- another big victory. Thank you for your support and hard work over these last few weeks.
Four days after Mitt's big win in Florida, he followed it up with an equally impressive victory Saturday in Nevada.
And just like in Florida, there are some really compelling statistics from last night's results that make it very clear that Mitt is the only candidate that can unite our party to defeat Barack Obama this fall:
  • Nevada's exit polls showed a very broad victory for Governor Romney, just like Florida. Mitt won among conservatives, Tea Party members, women, men, lower educated, higher educated, etc.
  • Mitt won nearly a majority of "very conservative" voters (46%). He defeated Newt Gingrich (35% - 32%) among strong Tea Party voters and also won 48% of the vote among evangelicals over Newt Gingrich (43% - 28%).
  • Like Florida, Mitt Romney won handily among voters who said electability was the most important quality in a candidate. He also won handily among those voters who said the economy was the top issue.
  • Mitt won a majority of LDS voters and also won among Protestant and Catholic voters.
With victories in the Northeast (New Hampshire), Southeast (Florida), and now the West (Nevada), Mitt has proven he is a strong national candidate.
In 2008, Barack Obama won both Florida and Nevada. Winning these states will be crucial this November. This week, Mitt showed he can -- and will -- make these states red again.
Thanks for your continued support.
Click here now to get involved in the Mitt Romney campaign.

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