Saturday, February 25, 2012

Video: How Santorum 'Took One For The Team'

This is a profile in courage? Nice try . . . . .


  1. Care to address why Mittens couldn't even fill the small number of seats at his big address, or why he was happy to accept RIcky's endorsement just four years ago?


  2. Ryan,

    You need to calm down. You're anger jumps off the page. Sit back and read it for yourself. It's sad.

    Tone down the nasty, snarky, I'm better and more enlightened than you liberal bullshit and we can have fun. A good cognitive debate on the issues is good and entertaining for both sides.

    There's an old phrase you should think about when you write, "disagree without being disagreeable."

    You my friend are not only disagreeable, but you come off as arrogant.

    Tone it down.

    Now to answer your questions.

    (1) Poor advance work. To try and imply that a major party candidate couldn't put butts in seats for a speech is a stretch. The advance work obviously failed. Remember when Obama spoke at the empty Union Hall in Pittsburgh a few months back? Same deal. (2) Why wouldn't someone accept an endorsement from Rick Santorum four years ago? I'm sure he didn't think he'd be running against him in four years. When you're running a campaign you take any help you can get.

    Here's a question for you. Some of my buddies in the trades are talking legitimately about supporting any Republican against this administration. The rationale being we have to get this country back to work and these last four years haven't gone so well. Do you think there's a possibility there? Or has the Union leadership become synonymous with Democrat Leadership. Back in the day that wasn't the case. Unions were about their members, not Democrat party principles.
