Monday, February 13, 2012

Video: Santorum In The Wrestling Ring (With Dems!)

Rick Santorum has a reputation for putting on a show.
That's why he seems eminently comfortable in the glitzy, showy wrestling world with the faux athletes who prance around there.
In this 2006 video he not only talks his way around the ropes but he boasts of working with his friends, the Democrats -- uber liberals like Barbara Boxer and Hillary Clinton. Santurum sure knows how to move this way and that.
You're never quite sure what Santorum will do or say as his traveling show roams the country for votes. So, no one should be surprised when he praises Democrats one day and then adds insult to injury by bashing Republicans the next.
But that's okay. What goes around comes around.

1 comment:

  1. So where is that video with Mittens calling his views progressive?

    Oh, wait, that fact is inconvenient.
