Thursday, February 16, 2012

Young (And Often Jobless) Voters Flee Obama

You'd never know it if you follow the dominant media, but young voters are fleeing President Obama in droves.
The Washington Examiner is out with a fine story on this heretofore unreported trend.
Here's an excerpt:
Obama, who won 66 percent of the 24 million voters age 18-29 in 2008, has seen that support slashed. And in a new poll from Generation Opportunity, a nonprofit that seeks to engage younger voters, only 31 percent approve of Obama’s handling of youth unemployment, a number that threatens to rob him of the voter group that pushed him to victory.
“Ironically for President Obama,” said the group’s president, Paul Conway, “the hardcore reality is that young voters are now very dissatisfied with the direction of the country and are becoming more vocal in their demands for real jobs rather than promises of more unpaid internships and unproven programs.”
Click here to read the entire story.


  1. No, but they may stay home on Election Day, which would have nearly the same effect.

  2. They're not coming out. And the Pres id going to have to overcome some serious issues with the Jews and the Catholics. It's going to be an interesting race.
