Monday, March 12, 2012

Arlen Specter: Obama, Dems Duped Me

Former US Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania now reportedly says the Democrats in Congress basically duped him when he switched parties from Republican to Democrat in 2009.
Specter then went ahead and ran for re-election as a Democrat and was defeated by Congressman Joe Sestak who was then defeated by Pat Toomey, putting that Senate seat back into the hands of the GOP.
Anyway, those who have gotten a peak at Specter's new book, Life Among The Cannibals says that Specter alleges that President Obama basically dumped him after he acquired his vote for Obamacare. The bill passed by a razor-thin margin and Specter's vote was critical. Apparently Specter doesn't feel the Democrats gave him their wholehearted backing when he ran on their party line in the 2010 primary even though he provided key support for the healthcare bill.
Specter also reportedly says that Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid reneged on a promise to grant Specter his full 28 year seniority in the Senate when he switched to the Democrat Party.
The full report is contained in The Hill.
Click here for more.

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