Monday, March 19, 2012

Contribute Now To Cherry Hill Cherry Tree Fund!

Here is a special message from Cherry Hill's Joe Zanghi, the man behind Chapel Avenue's bloomin spring, featuring the most beautiful cherry Blossoms this side of the tidal basin:
 To the Community of Cherry Hill,

On April 7, 2012, Saturday morning -- cherry trees will be planted on Chapel Avenue by Cherry Hill's Firefighters. Our Firefighters have traditionally planted these cherry trees every year since 1973. So far 1416 cherry trees have been planted in Cherry Hill since the first cherry tree planting in 1973.  The community of Cherry Hill should be grateful to our Firefigthers for their continuing support for this project.

On the same day the American Legion Post 372 War Veterans will be placing American flags and yellow ribbons onto the two-mile avenue of cherry trees. This organization have done so much for our veterans and returning war heros from Irag and Alghanistan! American Legion Post 372 War Veterans have contributed cherry trees for many years in support of the tradition of planting new cherry trees on Chapel Avenue every year.

These two groups made it possible for Cherry Hill to have a "9-11 Remembrance  & Patriotic Gratitude" event for the past 10 years!

Next year we will be celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the first cherry tree planting on Chapel Avenue and the first Cherry Blossom Parade. We are planning to remove the only 17 remaining shade trees on Chapel Avenue to finally complete this idealistic quest of 40 years. We will also bring back the Cherry Blossom Parade, one more time, to celebrate the two-mile completion of continuous rows of cherry trees from Haddonfield Road to Kings Highway. It will be a "Celebration of Cherry Hill" event to  unify and honor the Cherry Hill community. All elements of Cherry Hill will have an opportunity to join us on this proud occasion.

We are in need of contributions to pay for new cherry trees plantings and to pay for the removal of the only remaining 17 shade trees on Chapel Avenue.

Will you please help us end our 40 year old quest to completely line Chapel Avenue with a two mile avenue of continuous rows of cherry trees --- in honor of Cherry Hill?

Contributions in any amount will be welcomed! A donation of $100.00 pays for one cherry tree.

Please mail your contribution -- payable to: "Cherry Tree Fund"
                                                                         16 Pebble Lane
                                                                         Cherry Hill, NJ

We really need your help!

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