Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Is Romney Really Considering Portman?

Sources inside the DC Beltway tell us that Mitt Romney is seriously considering Ohio Senator Rob Portman as his vice presidential running mate.
Of course, Ohio is key and Romney needs to carry the state to be elected.
And Portman's resume is sterling.
Portman was a congressman from 1993 to 2005 and he served in two federal cabinet positions under President George W. Bush: first as US Trade Representative and then as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (until 2007).
Portman's father was an entrepreneur who started the Portman Equipment Company, a forklift dealership. Portman began his career in public service by working as Associate White House Counsel for President George H. W. Bush. Portman was elected to the Senate in 2010.
New York Times columnist David Brooks has called Portman  "an Ohioan with the mind of a budget director and a mild temperament that is a credit to his Midwestern roots," with an 'ideal' résumé."
And this does not mark the first time that Portman has been considered as a GOP running mate. He also made John McCain's short list.
Technically, Sentaor Portman appears to fit the bill.
But his selection would seem to lack a "wow" factor. And many people think that Romney needs a running mate with pizazz  to lend his candidacy an air of excitement. Portman might come across as a more-of-the-same Washington insider. And his ties to the Bushes might be a detriment.
This is not to say that Portman isn't qualified. He certainly is.
But what he doesn't bring to the table may wind up being as important as what he does.

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