Friday, March 9, 2012

Is White House Directing Fluke Media Tour?

From Bill O'Reilly, last night:
There is no doubt in my mind, in my investigator’s mind that this woman, from the very beginning, was what they call “run” by very powerful people. It’s not an accident that Elijah Cummings, Nancy Pelosi, all these people, got her and put her in a position to get national exposure.
But now we see, alright, that Anita Dunn and her firm have embraced her. Now, she appeared on NBC 1, 2, 3, 4 times, CBS once, CNN once — no, five for NBC — and The View also. And each of these times, alright, there was a shadowy booking process. Because I spoke to some of these people. [...] She appears, she shows up. Somebody pays for all of that.
So I’m going to say — and I can’t prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, I think I will be able to — that this was run out of the White House. The White House ran this.

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