Friday, March 30, 2012

New Art Competition: Runyan Invites Entries

A special message from Congressman Jon Runyan:

Each year, thousands of high school students across the nation submit art projects to their Member of Congress for the Congressional Art Competition. This year is no different and I am happy to announce my 2012 Congressional Art Competition.
This competition is open to high school aged students whose permanent address resides within the 3rd Congressional District. The medium of the artwork can range from paintings, drawings, 2 dimensional collages, prints, mixed media, computer-generated art, and photography. A student release form must also be completed and submitted.
This is a great program that allows young artists the opportunity to have their works of art hung in the United States Capitol and enjoyed by the hundreds of thousands of visitors who roam the halls of Congress.
If you or anyone you know might be interested in participating please visit my website, or contact my district offices in either Mt. Laurel, 856-780-6436, or Ocean County 732-279-6013.

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