Thursday, March 15, 2012

'Older' Local Stars Shine On Screen, Stage, TV

There's a beautiful story in the Philadelphia Inquirer about our colleague and Philadelphia Public Relations Hall of Fame member Sylvia Kauders (far right in the photo above) her burgeoning acting career and other "older" actresses currently appearing in Pennsylvania Lottery commercials.
It's an inspiring story -- and also revealing and insightful
Sylvia is an absolute dynamo -- a one-of-a-kind, multi-talented personality who exudes energy and an indefatigable zest for life. She's also (as you might expect) very shrewd.
Here's an excerpt from the article:
Watch out, Betty White. It's hot in Philadelphia, too.
Locals may recognize the city as a theater powerhouse and a movie backdrop, but some may not know we have our own set of Golden Girls.
These four doyennes of drama - for years amassing individual acting credits - recently appeared for the first time together in a Pennsylvania Lottery commercial. (Gus the Groundhog was retired last month to better show how the Lottery benefits older Pennsylvanians.) They played, incidentally, four older Pennsylvanians.
Click here to read the entire story.

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