Saturday, March 10, 2012

Poll: Romney Up, Up, Up . . . Obama Down, Down

Yeah, I know the polls have been all over the place this primary season.
But the latest Rasmussen Poll is eye-opening.
Just when you might have thought President Obama was on the comeback trail he seems to be slip-sliding away again.
Romney leads President Obama by five points in a hypothetical 2012 matchup. Today's numbers show Romney at 48%, Obama at 43%. That’s Romney’s largest lead since December.
It just proves what we've been saying all along: Romney has remarkable staying power He's an exceptionally resilient candidate. We think he has what it takes to go the distance.
And there's more:
  • Right now only 25% of the electorate strongly approve of the job Obama is doing. With 44% disapproving, that gives Obama a negative job performance rating of -19% Not good.
  • Nationally, in the race for the GOP nomination Romney now leads Santorum by 12 points.
  • Incredibly, Romney's even gaining a foothold in the race for delegates in the south, leading by eight points in Mississippi and tied with Santorum and Gingrich in Alabama.
  • A whopping 80% of GOP voters now expect Romney to be their nominee.

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