Sunday, March 18, 2012

Romney: Obama Gas Troika Should Resign

“[President Obama] said that energy prices would skyrocket under his views and he has selected three people to help him implement that program: the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of the Interior and the EPA administrator. And this ‘gas hike trio’ has been doing the job over the last three and a half years and gas prices are up. The right course is they ought to be fired because the President has apparently suffered an election-year conversion. He’s now decided that gasoline prices should come down. Well, the ‘gas hike trio’ has been going in the other direction.” – Gov. Mitt Romney

“FOX News Sunday”
March 18, 2012

Click Here To Watch Mitt Romney Discuss Rising Gas Prices

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS: “Governor, obviously volatility in the Middle East affects oil prices. Do you believe President Obama is to blame for high gas prices?”
MITT ROMNEY: “Well, there’s no question that when he ran for office he said he wanted to see gasoline prices go up. He said that energy prices would skyrocket under his views and he has selected three people to help him implement that program: the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of the Interior and the EPA administrator. And this ‘gas hike trio’ has been doing the job over the last three and a half years and gas prices are up. The right course is they ought to be fired because the President has apparently suffered an election-year conversion. He’s now decided that gasoline prices should come down. Well, the ‘gas hike trio’ has been going in the other direction. Time for them to go, probably hand in their resignations, if he’s really serious about that, and start drilling for energy here. Whether that’s, of course, our oil, our natural gas, take advantage of our coal resources for power generation. It is a very different policy that he's now talking about and I hope it is a real conversion. Time will tell.”

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