Thursday, March 8, 2012

Romney's Nomination Edge Stifles Opponents

At CNN (of all places) Peter Wehner has written a piece that very accurately describes the status of the quest for the Republican presidential nomination. And Wehner rightly sees an Obama/Romney matchup in November. Here's an excerpt:
It wasn't pretty and it wasn't easy, but Mitt Romney has essentially locked up the GOP nomination. On Super Tuesday, the former Massachusetts governor won the most states (six out of 10), the most votes (nearly 1.4 million vs. 819,000 for his closest rival, Rick Santorum) and the most delegates (more than 210 Super Tuesday delegates vs. less than 180 for his three rivals). Romney now leads in total delegates (404 vs. 165 for Santorum, 106 for Gingrich, and 66 for Paul). He is the only GOP candidate to have won states in every region of the country.
Wehner finds Romney to be "tough-minded" and "resilient." He will surely be a formidable candidate in what promises to be a very competitive race this fall.

Click here to read the full column.

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