Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Video: Christie, Democrats Now Agree On Tax Cut!

Democrats are now agreeing with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie that the state's taxpayers do indeed need a tax cut.
In fact, Senate President Steve Sweeney has just come out in favor of a 10 percent income tax credit. The credit would be against your property taxes and it would be based on your income. There we go again -- Democrats basing tax cuts ONLY on income instead of cutting taxes across-the-board for ALL taxpayers. That's always the way: Once you start to make a decent income, Democrats want to penalize you for it. In the eyes of Democrats success must inevitably be penalized. It's classic class warfare.
Nonetheless, Governor Christie is welcoming the Democrats' newfound embrace of tax cuts because he says that he's finally managed to change the agenda -- and the conversation -- in Trenton.
Now the debate is no longer about creating or imposing or raising taxes but rather it's about which taxes need to be cut and by how much.
Now, that's progress!

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