Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Christie Administration Honored For Biz Development

Recognizing the Christie Administration’s success at improving New Jersey’s business climate and attracting business to the state, Business Facilities magazine selected the New Jersey Partnership for Action for its Achievement in Reorganization of Economic Development Award.

The award recognizes the scope of the changes and reorganization undertaken by New Jersey through the New Jersey Partnership for Action to make the state a better place for economic development and growth. In its announcement, Business Facilities pointed to the state’s previous anti-business image and the progress made by the Christie Administration to reverse that perception. Business Facilities wrote.

The Garden State for many years has had to fight an uphill battle against the perception that its business climate has been, to put it diplomatically, a bit surly. Two years ago, Gov. Chris Christie set about to change that perception with one of the most comprehensive reorganizations of statewide economic development we’ve seen in a long time. Under the umbrella of the New Jersey Partnership for Action and headed by Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, the plan consists of three highly-focused organizational elements—-Choose New Jersey, the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, and the Business Action Center—-that provide economic development services, link companies to incentive programs and attract international investment to others.

“Business Facilities continues to be impressed with this reorganization’s focus on a steady improvement of the state’s business climate. We believe the Partnership for Action now has the plan and structure in place to move New Jersey into the top rank of national economic development leaders,” said Business Facilities Editor-in-Chief Jack Rogers. “The change has been dramatic and effective, and it made our choice for the first annual winner of our Achievement in Reorganization of Economic Development Award an easy one.”

Business Facilities also selected the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA) for the magazine’s Achievement in Targeted Incentives Award. The EDA was selected for its Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit.

“The Urban Transit Hub credit shows great promise not only as a tool for business retention but also as a growth driver for New Jersey’s urban centers,” continued Rogers. “The leveraging of transportation infrastructure as an economic development tool exhibits a forward-thinking approach to urban revitalization that positions New Jersey ahead of the curve as the development paradigm shifts to a more energy-efficient future.”

“More than winning awards, success is defined by attracting business to, and creating jobs in, New Jersey,” said Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno. “Since the Christie Administration took office, 74,500 jobs have been created in New Jersey and the perception of our state as an unfriendly place for business investment has simply been turned on its head. Instead of writing New Jersey off, companies like Bayer HealthCare, Church and Dwight, and Watson Pharmaceuticals are making a commitment to our state and creating jobs for New Jerseyans. That’s the real measure of success.”

The Christie Administration’s New Jersey Partnership for Action, which is led by Lt. Governor Guadagno, is a three-pronged public-private approach to economic development and the starting point for all initiatives, policies and efforts to grow New Jersey’s economy and create quality, sustainable jobs in our communities. The three elements of the Partnership for Action includes the Business Action Center, which reports directly to the Lt. Governor and provides the business community with a single point of contact, applying a proactive, customer-service approach to businesses’ interactions with State government; the EDA, serving as the state’s “bank for business”; and Choose New Jersey, an independently funded and operated 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation created to encourage and nurture economic growth throughout New Jersey.

Business Facilities’ announcement is available online at

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