Monday, April 16, 2012

Hillary Parties; Laughs At Obama's Troubles

President Obama did not have a good week.
His administration has been plagued by everything from high gas prices to GSA and Secret Service scandals, to continuing queries about the First Lady's travels and vacations to North Korea flexing its military muscle, to . . . . well, you get the idea.
And Obama now trails Mitt Romney in the polls while two-thirds of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction.
But all that doesn't seem to bother the nation's Secretary of State. In fact, Hillary Clinton appears to be so happy she's been partying the night away.
Reports out of Columbia say Clinton kicked back Saturday night, dancing and drinking beer at a local hotspot after a day of summit meetings in Cartagena.
The paparazzi even got images of the Secretary dancing at Café Havana with her hands up in the air and swigging a local brew with friends.
She's enjoying herself.
Can you blame her?

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