Friday, April 13, 2012

It's Cherry Blossom Heaven In Cherry Hill, NJ!

If you don't get over to Chapel Avenue in Cherry Hill, NJ within the next few days you will miss one of the most spectacular displays of fancy, clustered cherry blossoms that you will ever see anywhere.
These are actual photos taken just moments ago along the beautiful rows of blossoms that run from Kings Highway along Chapel Avenue to Haddonfield Road.
Forget everything else you may have heard. This is why they call it Cherry Hill.
These beautiful blossoms exemplify the spirit of a great town. And they are also among the many reasons why New Jersey is called the Garden State -- and nowhere is this moniker more apt than in South Jersey where Cherry Hill is a major residential and commercial center.
Believe it or not this long, magnificent stretch of blossoms was the brainchild of one civic-minded resident who planted his first tree on Chapel Avenue in 1973 and had been plating them ever since
Joe Zanghi, a visionary Cherry Hill booster is the man who made this happen. It's a true labor of love -- a gift to the entire community and the region. Over the years Joe has enlisted firefighters, veterans and any others he could commandeer to keep this great tradition alive. His great heart has propelled this effort.
To me, this is the true spirit of America and it demonstrates the difference that one person can make in the life of the community and the world. Remember: Joe and his friends were planting these trees and beautifying their town long before environmentalism was all the rage.
Joe knew what it meant to "think globally and act locally" before there even was such a phrase or slogan.
So get on over to Cherry Hill and enjoy the show!
Drive slowly, cycle or walk under the blossoms and soak up every magical moment!

1 comment:

  1. Joe Zanghi - http://www.cherryblossomsincherryhillnj.yolasite.comApril 29, 2013 at 7:46 PM

    Dan - Thank you for your supporting article about the cherry blossoms on Chapel Avenue. Chapel Avenue's cherry blossoms were not a one man's effort! Literally I have received support from hundreds of residents through the years of which I am grateful to have received. In fact you were on of my earliest supporters.

    If you want to direct your followers to actually see this avenue in full cherry blossom display -- they can do so by clicking on the two video links below! One is driving EAST toward Kings Highway - the other driving WEST to Haddonfield Road.


    A scenic drive through a two-mile avenue of blossoming cherry trees on Chapel Avenue, Cherry Hill, NJ.

    This version driving West on Chapel Avenue toward Haddonfield Road in Cherry Hill, NJ

    This version driving East on Chapel Avenue toward Kings Highway in Cherry Hill, NJ.
