Friday, April 20, 2012

NJ School Budget Approvals Reflect Caps, Reform

New Jersey Senator Christopher “Kip” Bateman, R-Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Somerset, said this week’s all-time high of 90 percent voter approved local school budgets is a testament to slowed property tax growth due, in large part, to school administrators complying with Cap 2.0.

“New Jersey voters passed budgets in a record 90 percent of school districts including Princeton, Montgomery and Hillsborough, thanks to our bipartisan accomplishment of a 2-percent levy cap and the hard work of school district leaders to create responsible budgets,” Bateman said. “This is a sign that voters must be happy with how property tax growth has slowed with landmark reforms under Governor Christie.”

Property tax levy increases of 3.2% under the current Administration are less than half the 6.6% average increase under Governors McGreevey and Codey, and less than the 4.9% average increase under Governor Corzine, according to state Department of Community Affairs data.

“These results show it’s possible for local leaders to maintain impressive services at reasonable costs for residents, without exercising the reckless spending of some school districts and municipalities that have lead us to the nation’s highest property taxes,” Bateman concluded. “I applaud local leaders for their efforts, and urge my legislative colleagues to help them and our constituents further by passing the rest of the governor’s tool kit.”

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