Monday, April 23, 2012

Video: Reagan vs. Obama; Social Economics

Those who created this clip say they posted it on Facebook to help promote the informative documentary film "I WANT YOUR MONEY"
This is such a clever clip, I figured I may as well tell you about the full documentary, available at
I'm told that if you like this short clip, you will love the full length documentary.
Reportedly, it features great in-depth interviews with economic experts and knowledgeable political figures including: Mike Huckabee Stephen Moore Michael Reagan William Voegeli Star Parker Kenneth Blackwell Edwin Meese lll Thad McCotter Newt Gingrich Lee Edwards Pete Wilson Steve Forbes Gary Bauer Kate Obenshain Chris Edwards David M. McIntosh Lila Rose John Stossel Allen Icet Rob Schaaf John Stossel Tom McClintock Andrew Breitbart George Runner Alison Fraser

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