Sunday, April 15, 2012

White House Entree? Be Prepared To Pony Up Big $$$

Is it true that access to the Obama White House is in direct correlation to the amount of money donated to the president's reelection effort and the Democratic party?
The New York Times reports as follows:
"Among donors who gave $30,000 or less, about 20 percent visited the White House, according to a New York Times analysis that matched names in the visitor logs with donor records. But among those who donated $100,000 or more, the figure rises to about 75 percent. Approximately two-thirds of the president’s top fund-raisers in the 2008 campaign visited the White House at least once, some of them numerous times."
And all this seems to be reconfirmed by remarks of none other than former Democrat Congressman Patrick Kennedy. Kennedy who donated $35,800 to an Obama re-election fund last fall while seeking administration support for a nonprofit venture, said contributions were simply a part of “how this business works.”
And Kennedy says that if you want to call this a "quid pro quo," well that's just seems to be fine with him.
So, if you want to get into the Obama White House, be prepared to pony up.

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