Thursday, May 31, 2012

Alaska Whale Watching: What To Expect

The average age of a humpback whale is about 45 years.
In the winter these whales migrate from Alaska to Hawaii to have their young.
But they always have to come back to the cooler northern waters because this is where their food is.
Some whales (who are no longer of breeding or child-bearing age) actually stay in Alaskan waters year round.
These whales are not necessarily lonely because whales do not
necessarily hang out in groups, though we did spot three of them together today.
Whale watching will teach you patience You have to wait -- and concentrate -- to see the whales. The first thing you look for is something that seems like a spout of steam coming off the surface of the ocean. That's the whale's "blow."
This is the way the whale breaths.
A whale's lungs are as big as a small automobile. Think Toyota.
Soon after the blow you will begin to see the whale. It's almost as of the whale is showing itself off. If you're lucky, after a few moments you will see the whale's magnificent tale as it dives back into the water.
That's the grand finale -- the big, dramatic moment.
Positively thrilling!

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