Sunday, May 27, 2012

First Lady As Equestrian? Well, Yes!

Remember Jacqueline Kennedy?
Even if you did not live through the Kennedy years (as many of us did) you know that Jackie was the penultimate definition of chic.
She was heralded by the media and (in part because of that) she came to be admired the world over.
And you may recall that she was also an accomplished equestrian. She loved horses and was often pictured in her patrician riding gear. As First Lady she kept horses at a farm in nearby Virginia and even had a pony (named "Macaroni") for First Daughter Caroline.
Later, after she moved to Manhattan she had a farm and house in northwestern New Jersey where she kept horses and also went to ride. She lived among the upper crust of the New York social set.
Nobody begrudged her this. Nobody.
People thought it was glamorous and healthy and just plain wonderful.
And so it went.
But what was grand and marvelous for Jackie, well -- that's not OK for Ann Romney; not at all.
So now the New York Times is out with a big story about Mrs. Romney's passion for riding and the money she and Mitt spend so she can be an equestrian. No matter what Jackie and the Kennedys may or may not have spent on the same pursuit; now it's suddenly open season on the idea as an equestrian as First Lady.
Mind you, this is happening even though Ann Romney has MS and her riding is arguably a legitimate part of her therapy.
This is the vicious and disgraceful double standard of the elitist liberal media. Indeed, the Times itself is owned by a very wealthy family known to hobnob with the rich and famous -- the very same kind of people who often make up the top layer of the world of equestrians.
That's fine.
But Mrs. Romney.
Ohhhh no, my dear.
That just won't do.
Anyone who falls for this line from the New York Times and other liberal pontificators is a fool!

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