Friday, May 11, 2012

Gaugin, Cezanne, Matisse: Philly, July 20

Continuing from the Philadelphia Museum of Art where we are hearing from European art curator Joe Richel who is talking about one of the most anticipated exhibits ever: Gaugin, Cezanne and Matisse which will open here on June 20 and continue through September 3.
Richel promises paintings that are "full of interaction and wonderful personification." He says this is an ambitious show that will cover paintings from the early 19th century "through each generation" and a variety of artists and paintings built around these "three classical muses."
This summer will also see an exhibition of 60 high school prom photographs by Mary Ellen Mark. These "slow and thoughtful" photographs taken with a big camera are said to be "fun and a reflection of our democracy."
Prints from the Brandywine Workshop will also be featured from September through November this year. About a third of the artists in the show are either from Philadelphia or have Philadelphia area connections.
Shipwreck - Winslow Homer, September to December 2012. This promises to be "a fabulous adventure tale" built around an iconic, modern American painting. The exhibition will use X-ray and infrared technology to explore "an intensely erotic picture" from America's "greatest marine painter" that will also incorporate a "fabulous gallery" of shipwreck and related paintings.
Dancing Around The Bride - Duchamp, Rauschenberg, Johns and others, October, 2012 to January, 2013. This show will examine Duchamp as a muse for so many contemporary artists. The Philadelphia Museum of Art has the largest existing collection of Duchamp . Hearing now from The wonderful curator of contemporary art Carlos Basualdo who so lucidly explains the concept behind the exhibition which also includes Duchamp's Nude Descending A Staircase. The show is also expected to include live musical concerts and dancing with former dancers from the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. The theme stresses artistic collaboration.

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