Monday, May 21, 2012

Is Obama About To Dump Biden For Hillary?

At the Washington Times, Joseph Curl says the move to dump Biden as veep and replace him with Hillary is quite the done deal. Well, we've said as much on more than one occasion right here on this blog. And Curl says the move is for purely practical political reasons as Obama's facing an increasingly difficult race.
Here's an excerpt:
Show of hands: Who here still thinks Vice President Joseph R. Biden will be on the 2012 ticket?
Really? All of you? So wrong. The Great One, Sir Barack Hussein Obama will replace the bumbling, buffoonish Mr. Biden with Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton maybe at the Democratic convention, maybe just before, in a last-ditch effort to win re-election.
The wild and crazy move is all the talk outside the Beltway. One state Democratic leader even tells me the bumper stickers are already printed, sitting in a warehouse in (where else?) Little Rock, Ark.
Click here to read the entire column.

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