Friday, May 25, 2012

Kean: Stop Political Games On Qualified Nominees

New Jersey State Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean, Jr. (R- Union) issued the following statement regarding news reports that the New Jersey Bar Association has deemed Bruce Harris and Phil Kwon to be qualified to serve on the state’s Supreme Court:

"It is astounding that members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are willing to deny a fair hearing to a Supreme Court nominee who has been deemed qualified to serve by the distinguished attorneys of the New Jersey Bar Association."

"That the Democrats on the committee would prejudge a nominee who is deemed to be perfectly qualified by the institution that has reviewed the qualifications of every Supreme Court nominee in recent memory reveals their motivations to be entirely political.  The irony is that the same Democrats that bemoan politicization of the Judiciary are, in their treatment of Mr. Harris and Mr. Kwon, doing just that."

"Mr. Harris brings a diversity of life and legal experience to a Court that serves ALL the people of New Jersey, not just the people who agree with or vote for Democrats.  I implore the Majority to stop the petty games and give Mr. Harris fair and objective consideration."

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