Friday, May 4, 2012

May the Fourth Be with You! Star Wars Day is May 4th

Comic Book Art Phenom Alex Ross' rendition of the Empire's finest.
Today is May 4, known to many children of all ages as Star Wars Day. If you can legally purchase alcohol, have a toy lightsaber in your home, and it's not your kid's, no explanation is needed on why this day is significant.

For the uninitiated and for those who have never seen the three Star Wars movies that really matter, today is a day to celebrate the movie masterpieces of George Lucas.

When Star Wars first opened in theaters in May 1977, it unleashed a true cultural phenomenon. Science Fiction films were no longer relegated to high-brow, thought-provoking pieces, or cheap, campy romps with horrible effects. A Sci-Fi film could be high impact, fast paced with jaw-dropping visuals. Often imitated, but never duplicated - not even by Lucas himself with the three "pre-quels" - Star Wars sets the bar that others must follow.

Thanks to Star Wars, we have:
  • The Summer Movie Blockbuster
  • Blue Screen and now Green Screen Technology
  • Harrison Ford's Body of Acting Work, or for the female geeks out there, just Harrison Ford's body
  • The Musical Juggernaut known as John Williams
  • The Movie Trilogy Formula
  • The Successful Use of Toys, T-shirts, etc. for Movie Merchandising
And believe it or not, if it weren't for American Graffiti, this would have never had happened. The success of Lucas' first real foray into the silver screen was so amazing, 20th Century Fox told Lucas that his next movie could be whatever he wanted.

The rest, as they say, is history.

May the Fourth Be With You!

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