Wednesday, May 23, 2012

McDonnell: Romney's Plan Will Expand School Choice

Today, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell made the following statement on Mitt Romney’s proposals for reforming education:

“While President Obama has expressed some positive ideas on how to reform our schools, he refuses to challenge the unions that will do anything to protect the status quo. We need a president who is more concerned with creating opportunities for students than saving his own job. Governor Romney understands the importance of charter schools in expanding school choice and giving low income and special needs students a fighting chance to succeed. Instead of being beholden to special interests, as president he would fight tirelessly for higher standards of transparency, offering families the information they need to hold schools accountable. Governor Romney’s policies would also facilitate the recruitment of the best teachers by rewarding merit and abolishing certification requirements which discourage potential new teachers. At a moment when we face a crisis that reaches beyond the classroom, Governor Romney offers common sense, practical solutions designed to ensure that we continue to be a nation of innovators.”

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