Tuesday, May 8, 2012

NJ Democrats Want To Raise Taxes -- AGAIN!

Raising Your Taxes Is Their Main Attraction
840 Days Have Passed Since New Jersey Governor Christie Took Office And Blocked Assembly Democrats’ From Raising Taxes. No Wonder They’re Obsessed With Trying Again And Again.

“We’ve seen this movie before. They raised taxes and fees 115 times in eight years. That’s a tax or fee increase every 25 days. … Here’s the thing with Assembly Democrats, they’re obsessed with raising taxes.”
– Governor Chris Christie, Town Hall, Garfield, NJ, May 2, 2012

The Assembly Democrats Have A History Of Being OBSESSED With Raising Taxes:

·         Democrats Raised Taxes and Fees 115 Times in the 8 Years Before Governor Christie Took Office.

·         That’s a Tax or Fee Increase Every 25 Days.

·         Despite their Obsession, Governor Christie has stopped the tax and spend binge in its tracks.

·         In fact, it’s been 840 days since Governor Christie took office and closed the door on their tax increases.

But That Hasn’t Stopped Assembly Democrats From Trying – OVER AND OVER AGAIN:

March 25, 2010: Assembly Budget Chairman Proposes Allowing Municipalities To Collect Their Own Income Or Sales Taxes. (Lisa Fleisher & Matt Friedman, “N.J. lawmakers say towns should set sales, income taxes to ease high property taxes,” The Star-Ledger, 5/25/10)

·         Governor Christie: “It doesn’t matter whether taxes are collected at the state or local level if taxpayers have to pay more. So this shell game that we’ve played any number of times ...that has papered over the problems and just continued to increase the amount of revenue, that’s not what we’re here to do … What we’re here to do is to make government smaller and to the extent we can be in concert on that I’m sure we’ll find a lot of common ground.” (Lisa Fleisher & Matt Friedman, “N.J. lawmakers say towns should set sales, income taxes to ease high property taxes,” The Star-Ledger, 5/25/10)

May 13, 2010: Bill Introduced In The State Assembly To Raise The Gas Tax By $2.4 Billion. (A2718, Introduced, 5/13/10)

May 20, 2010: Assembly Democrats Pass Income Tax Increase. (A10, Passed Assembly: 46-32, 5/20/10)

·         Governor Christie Vetoed The Bill The Very Same Day. (Matt Freidman & Lisa Fleisher, “N.J. Gov. Chris Christie swiftly vetoes 'millionaires tax,' property tax rebate bills,” The Star-Ledger, 5/20/10)

·         Governor Christie: "While I have little doubt that the sponsors and supporters of this bill sincerely believe that the state can tax its way out of this financial crisis, I believe that this bill does nothing more than repeat the failed, irresponsible and unsustainable fiscal policies of the past.” (Matt Freidman & Lisa Fleisher, “N.J. Gov. Chris Christie swiftly vetoes 'millionaires tax,' property tax rebate bills,” The Star-Ledger, 5/20/10)

July 12, 2010: Four Assembly Democrats – Including The State Democratic Party Chairman – Vote Against Lowering Property Tax Cap To 2%. (S29, Concur Gov Rec; Passed Assembly: 73-4-2; 7/12/10)

October 7, 2010: Assemblyman Wisniewski suggests $2-5 billion increase in the gas tax. (“Wisniewski & Cryan on Christie's Decision to Kill Hudson River Commuter Rail Tunnel Project,” NJ Assembly Democratic Office, 10/8/10)

February 12, 2011: Assemblyman And State Democratic Party Chairman John Wisniewski Call for Increasing the Gas Tax. (Bob Makin, “Assemblyman faults Gov. Christie on Transportation Trust Fund,” Home News Tribune, 2/12/2011)

June 23, 2011: The Majority of Assembly Democrats Vote Against The Bipartisan-Supported $120 Billion Relief For Taxpayers. (S2937, Passed Assembly: 46-32-1; 6/23/11)

June 29, 2011: Assembly Democrats Pass Income Tax Increase Again. (A4202, Passed Assembly: 46-32, 6/29/11)

·         Governor Christie Vetoed It Again. (Richard Pérez-Peña, “New Jersey Governor Vetoes Spending,” The New York Times, 6/30/11)

·         Governor Christie: “As I vowed during my candidacy, as I reaffirmed after my election, and as I wrote in my veto … last year, I will not allow the failed policies of the past to continue on my watch. Those policies ended seventeen months ago and they will certainly not return again now.” (Governor Chris Christie, Veto Of Assembly Bill No. 4202, 6/30/11)

March 6, 2012: Assembly Democrats Propose Income Tax Increase For A Third Time. (Jarrett Renshaw, “N.J. Assembly, Senate introduce tax cuts targeting residents earning less than $250K,” The Star-Ledger, 3/6/12)

·         At The Same Time, They Put Forward a Plan Where Up To 42 Percent of Taxpayers in New Jersey Will Receive No Tax Relief. (New Jersey Department Of The Treasury, Division Of Taxation, 2008 Statistics Of Income, Tables 1.4; 3.5)

·         Governor Christie: “We’ve started off with two competing proposals that, one of which is going to become law. The Assembly one is not going to become law under any circumstances. The Senate President has said that; I’ve said that. That’s dead. So now we’re working off of my proposal and the Senate President’s proposal both of which are working to reduce income taxes by 10%.” (Governor Chris Christie, Press Conference, 3/7/12)

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