Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Obama Fabricated Character In His Own Memoir

President Obama has admitted completely making up a character in his memoir, Dreams From My Father.
Get this: The "New York girlfriend" that Obama refers to in the book never was.
Obama admitted to biographer David Maraniss that this character in the book was a "composite" -- someone he says he created based on multiple girlfriends he says he had both in New York City and Chicago.
But who were these girlfriends?
We don't know because as far as we can tell none has ever come forward or identified themselves.
Well, slight correction: There does seem to be one girlfriend who's apparently mentioned in Maraniss' new book about Obama and she's identified as Genevieve Cook.
But Obama says the character in his memoir (a character who is never really named) is not Genevieve but is rather a "compression" of girlfriends including one who followed Genevieve.
Obama says that the fabricated character in the book encompasses in part "sort of the interactions that I had in the relationships with white girlfriends." And he casually dismisses the made-up character and a related story this way: "And so, that occupies, what, two paragraphs in the book?"
So, in Obamaland writing your memoir and making up characters and stories in your life as you go along is perfectly fine and dandy, thank you.
Which leads us to wonder: What else has Obama fabricated and what is he fabricating now?

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