Monday, May 14, 2012

Obama's Gift To Graduates: Joblessnes, Debt

“When President Obama delivers his commencement address today, he won’t mention that his liberal policies of wasteful spending have left graduating students with trillions of dollars in new debt. After three-and-a-half years of disappointing economic progress, college graduates – like all Americans – need a president who understands how to get the economy moving again and rein in out-of-control federal spending.” –Amanda Henneberg, Romney Campaign Spokesperson

Today, President Obama Will Deliver The Commencement Address At Barnard College In New York:

Today, President Obama Will Deliver The Commencement Address At Barnard College. “Obama will find himself on the other side of graduation exercises when he delivers a commencement address at Barnard College in New York on Monday.” (Gregory Wallace, “Rep. Noem Remembers Her College Graduation - Last Year,” CNN, 5/12/12)

When Barnard College’s Class Of 2012 Graduates, Their Share Of The National Debt Will Be More Than $50,000:

Each Member Of Barnard’s Class Of 2012 Owes $50,062.14 For Their Portion Of The National Debt. (Department Of The Treasury,, Accessed 5/13/12; Census Bureau,, Accessed 5/13/12)
The National Debt Has Increased By More Than $6 Trillion Since Barnard College’s Class Of 2012 First Entered College. (Department Of The Treasury,, Accessed 5/13/12)
  • Each Barnard Graduate’s Share Of The National Debt Has Increased By $18,353.23 Since They Entered College. (Department Of The Treasury,, Accessed 5/13/12; Census Bureau,, Accessed 5/13/12)
The National Debt Has Increased By More Than $5 Trillion Since President Obama Took Office. (Department Of The Treasury,, Accessed 5/13/12)
  • Each Barnard Graduate’s Share Of The National Debt Has Increased By $15,310.41 Since President Obama Took Office. (Department Of The Treasury,, Accessed 5/13/12; Census Bureau,, Accessed 5/13/12)

And Barnard College Graduates Will Face An Economy Where More Than Half Of All Recent Graduates Are Struggling For Work:

“Young Americans Graduating From High School And College Over The Last Several Years Have Been Confronting One Of The Worst Job Markets In Decades.” (Josh Sanburn, "Fewest Young Adults In 60 Years Have Jobs," Time, 2/9/12)
More Than Half Of All Recent College Graduates Under The Age Of 25 Were “Jobless Or Underemployed, The Highest Share In At Least 11 Years.” “About 1.5 million, or 53.6 percent, of bachelor's degree-holders under the age of 25 last year were jobless or underemployed, the highest share in at least 11 years. In 2000, the share was at a low of 41 percent, before the dot-com bust erased job gains for college graduates in the telecommunications and IT fields.” (Hope Yen, “1 In 2 New Graduates Are Jobless Or Underemployed,” The Associated Press, 4/22/12)
Under President Obama, The Unemployment Rate Among Young Adults Has Increased To 16.4% – More Than Double The National Unemployment Rate. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 5/13/12)
Employment Among Young Adults Is At The Lowest Level “Since The Government Started Keeping Records In 1948.” "How hard has the Great Recession hit young adults in the U.S.? According to a report released Thursday by the Pew Research Center, only 54.3% of young adults aged 18 to 24 have a job. It's the lowest rate since the government started keeping records in 1948." (Josh Sanburn, "Fewest Young Adults In 60 Years Have Jobs," Time, 2/9/12)
Nearly A Third Of Young Adults Are Returning To Live At Home – The Highest Share Since The 1950s. "Unable to find well-paying work in a weak economy, escalating numbers of young adults - as many as 3 in 10 - are returning home to the family nest, resulting in the highest share of young adults living in multigenerational households since the 1950s, according to a Pew Research Center report released Thursday." (Husna Haq, "Three In 10 Young Adults Live With Parents, Highest Level Since 1950s," The Christian Science Monitor, 3/15/12

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