Monday, May 21, 2012

Religious Freedom Rally June 8 In Philly

Here's an important message from the folks organizing the next Rally for Religious Freedom in Philadelphia:
On June 8, 2012 at 12 noon we will have our second "Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally" on Independence Mall. The date is particularly significant since it celebrates the anniversary of the day that James Madison introduced the Bill of Rights. Several outstanding speakers will address the current threat to Our Religious Freedom, including Bishop Senior from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. We ask that you personally invite friends, family, fellow worshipers, co-workers, neighbors, and leaders from your community to attend!
We desire to send a message, loud and clear, that we will do whatever it takes to defend our religious liberty, not only for ourselves,but for future generations!
We have inherited a great freedom! Many heroes selflessly lost their lives defending this freedom!
Let us "stand up" on their heroic shoulders and thank them by appearing in front of the very place where our Nation was born! Let us carry forward their great legacy for our children, grand children and future generations!
Let us remain a beacon of religious freedom for the whole world!
For further information on the Philadelphia Rally you may check these web addresses:
National website:
For unanswered questions contact:
We are looking for volunteers for:
set up
take down
collecting contact information
If interested please contact:
We are looking for the donation of a large tent for the day in case of rain:
Hope to see you at the Rally!

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