Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Secrets To Successful Travel?

What are some of the secrets to successful travel?
Above all, we think one has to have a sense of adventure. You need to be curious about many things and open to new places, new people and new experiences -- unless of course you simply want to travel to the same places over and over again. That's not very adventurous.
Still, we all have our favorite places that we love to return to. These are the places that renew you, restore you, awaken your faith in life and perhaps leave you feeling invigorated.
You may also find places that always seem new to you no matter how many times you've visited -- places that always leave you wanting to explore more. No matter how many times you've been there, you feel there's just one more thing that you want to see or maybe one more thing that you've missed and want to go back for.
But travel should also be about discovering new places -- maybe even going to a place you never considered at first blush and discovering something wonderful about it.
Above all, we advise that you do not over schedule or over program yourself. Take the time to discover things on your own. Leave time for serendipitous experiences. And pack lightly. Stay nimble.
And we've already learned on this trip that it pays to keep your eyes and ears open, always. Had we not done that, we would never have experienced the wonders of nature and spotted all the wildlife along the way.
And we're hardly finished.
Today we'll be boarding a luxury liner to see and do more.
Because we will be at sea our blogging may be spotty at best during the next week but we ask you to bear with us. We'll try our best to keep you up to date on our travels, our adventures and the rest of the world every step of the way.
It's gonna be an adventure.

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