Saturday, May 19, 2012

TV Ad Effort Backs Christie On Fiscal Reforms

Committee for Our Children's Future (CCF), a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, launched its fourth ad since last fall as part of a $1.6 million-dollar television campaign to highlight Governor Christie and bipartisan reformers' efforts to strengthen the economy, improve education and cut taxes in New Jersey. The new ad is airing on New York and Philadelphia broadcast and New Jersey statewide cable stations over the next three weeks. The television ad will be accompanied by a statewide online advertising campaign.

"Governor Chris Christie and reformers from both sides of the aisle are getting things done in New Jersey. They balanced two budgets, saved pensions and strengthened education, while cutting taxes and creating jobs," said Brian Jones, spokesperson, Committee for Our Children's Future. "Through hard work and tough decisions, these reformers are doing what it takes to get the job done and keep New Jersey moving forward. Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike are backing New Jersey's reform movement and believe the State is moving in the right direction." 

CCF is a non-profit organization advocating for tax and government spending reforms that restore long-term fiscal health and solidify the economic foundation for our children and grandchildren. CCF's priorities are to make government spending more efficient, lower the tax burden, and secure our economic future with pro-growth policies.

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