Tuesday, May 1, 2012

VOTE NOW: You Pick Mitt Romney's Running Mate

Who should be Mitt Romney's running mate?
It's your choice. You vote is confidential, with no strings attached.
Romney certainly has no shortage of possible candidates.
We've listed more than 20 potential running mates for you to choose from.
But we want to know who your choice is. Vote now.
Cast your vote at the top right corner of this page. Vote now!


  1. Because of media exposure and convention wisdom that Romney needs more Hispanic votes, my guess is that Rubio will be the top vote getter but he has no executive experience and his amnesty plan conflicts with Romney's statements on illegal immigration, which would make Romney look like a flip-flopper. Rubio, at age 40, has plenty of time to make a national impact but it shouldn't be this time. Right now, I think I'd like to see Romney pick Bobby Jindal or Bob McDonnell. Allen West would appeal to conservatives and perhaps some minority voters but his very strongly worded opinions may be too much for Romney. If Romney is elected, I'd like to see Kelly Ayotte as attorney general.
