Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Wonderfully Joyous Wedding Day

We rarely write about deeply personal and family matters here.
But every now and then an exception is warrented.
This is one of those exceptional moments.
Yesterday's wedding of Navy Lt. Matt Lorge and the beautiful and radiant Aimee Cirucci was a truly joyous occasion.
Our dear friend Father Tom Betz officiated at the wedding mass at the Church of St. John the Evangelist in Center City Philadelphia just a few steps from the Philadelphia Marriott where out-of-town guests stayed and where the reception was held later.
The Church is a true treasure tucked between Philadelphia's convention district and the bustling area now known as midtown village. The Capuchin Franciscans oversee St. John's parish as well as the nearby Church of the Holy Redeemer in Philly's Chinatown. What would we do without without the Capuchins> They are simply amazing: caring, giving, sharing their deep faith in the spirit of St. Francis.
Father Tom (who is both a priest and a lawyer) has been active in Philadelphia's Asian community and has traveled to every continent except Antarctica on behalf of vocations for the Capuchin Franciscans.
And Father Tom tells us that the future looks bright for the Capuchins as more and more young men are joining the Order.
We are so proud of Aimee and Matt who entered their married life in a spirit of deep faith and reverence. And this was amply reflected in the marriage ceremony.
I will try to post at least a couple of wedding photos as we move forward but for now I wanted you to know how happy it was for us to welcome so many friends and relatives to the city as we took so much joy in this incredible day.
We feel truly blessed!


  1. Dan, what a beautiful post. The joy you shared in our post makes all of us feel joyous. Congratulations and best wishes to all!

  2. Congratulations to the bride and groom and the entire Cirucci family. The pics and story made it like we were all there.
