Friday, June 29, 2012

Act Today - Hold The President Accountable!

A special message from the Mitt Romney campaign:

When President Obama assumed office three years ago, he had a Democrat-controlled House and Senate and ample opportunities to make good on his promises of "hope" and "change."

Instead of focusing on the economy, President Obama decided to make job-killing, big government, $2 trillion Obamacare his top priority. The White House "assumed a recovery was under way" and decided that fixing the economy was "no longer their top priority."

Rather than helping job creators, Obamacare hurts job creators:
  • Obamacare contains the largest tax increase in nearly two decades.
  • Obamacare will raise taxes by hundreds of billions of dollars over its first 10 years.
  • Nearly 3/4 of small business owners blame Obamacare for impeding job creation.
Regardless of the Supreme Court's decision on its constitutionality, Obamacare is still bad policy. Obamacare will raise taxes on job creators, send jobs abroad, and hinder small business hiring.

Mitt Romney has his priorities straight. On day one, he will take immediate action to repeal and replace Obamacare with real reform that empowers individuals and frees job creators from the burdens this President has imposed on them.

Mitt Romney will do on his first day in office what the Supreme Court didn't do on the last day of its session. But first, it's up to you to repeal Obamacare by replacing Obama.

Let's hold Barack Obama accountable -- donate $10 or more to make him a one-term president:

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